Our intentions

Intention is mighty. It sets the tone for your thought process, which then spills over into your actions and decisions. 

In the making of these cards, we made a point of being honest with ourselves, while also taking the opportunity to enjoy our creativity and do what we want without paying attention to the wagging finger of palatability, or the rules of engagement.

These cards are literally intentional in every way, and they’ve taken their specific form for a reason. If you want to know more about that process, just ask.

These are our intentions

— To talk about things that matter

— To have fun

— To grow as people

— To make something useful, and share it with you

— To always stick to the point: feeling good

A note on words, our instrument of choice

Words are super concentrated ideas. Put them in the right sequence, and they can make you feel things. When you feel something, you have the opportunity to grow - or resist. 

The words on these cards are not reserved for a *certain type of person*. They’re just ideas that you can believe if you want to. 

Stream Cards exist because when you really focus on the ideas that matter to you, you’ll most likely feel a lot better. And feeling better, that’s what changes everything.


Writer and Creator: Narique Sangster
[IG] | [MEDIUM] | Mail her to talk

Design: Giulio De Candia

Photography: The Seppis

Let's see those cards again