Ease is your birthright.

What are these cards?

There are 78 cards in each deck, each holding an idea for you to run with - a good idea, about yourself. Each deck has been created under a focussed theme, like love, creative confidence or calm. You’ll notice, though, that most of these cards can apply to many moments, many situations in your life.


Use them as affirmations, journal prompts, or to set the tone for a new day.

Before you start

Even if just for a moment, let go of any expectations you may have of yourself. Try to relax and see and feel what happens as you go along. Even if you’re feeling intense right now, approach this with a good measure of ease. If you want, you can set an intention before flipping, which could go like anything from, “make it make sense” to, “Today, I’ll take things as they come”.

Start easy

Slowly flip through the cards. Resist the urge to force yourself to think or feel a certain way. Eventually an idea will spark something in you. When this happens, keep going, or stop to savor the feeling you’ve just discovered. It’s not about fake it ‘til you make it, by the way. It’s about edging closer to who you really are, and who you really want to be.

You can also pull a card, or a few cards, to focus on every day.

As you go

Notice what makes you feel good. Keep thinking and feeling in that direction. See which ideas are easily absorbed, and which ones don’t quite land yet. See which ideas stick with you long after you’ve put the deck down - because that’s how you know they’re becoming active within you.

As journal prompts

Pull a random card, or choose one that feels interesting to you.

What does the idea on the card bring up for you? A memory? A feeling or thought?
Is it something you don’t feel like facing right now? Is it something that excites you? Do you feel indifferent?
Write about any of that. Write about why, or why not.

Don’t feel pressured to judge your words or go back to correct your spelling or grammar. Just get it out, and see what happens.


By entertaining the ideas on the cards, and observing your reaction to them, you’re increasing your self awareness. You’re ‘doing the work’. You’re making an effort. All of that always pays off.

Even if all you get out of this is learning to treat yourself like the gold you are, that’s a win.

Also see 'what's the point?'