What can I expect from using these cards?

— Feeling generally inspired

— The slight discomfort of growing, and the pride of seeing yourself grow at a pace you choose

— Feeling loved and supported (by yourself)

— A more intimate relationship with your honest thoughts and feelings 

— You run the risk of completely forgetting negative or harmful thought patterns and beliefs

— You’ll be more aware of your thoughts, and the effect they have on you 

— You’ll learn how to see familiar situations from a new perspective  

— Feeling more centred 

— You’ll be able to set clear(er) goals, and better boundaries 

What is the point?

The point is to feel good. To feel steadier in general and clearer about what you want, and what you won’t stand for. To know yourself better, treat yourself better, and to enjoy yourself more thoroughly.

What are these phrases about?

They’re just ideas.

But also, These are solidifying statements made with great intent, acting as a bridge from what doesn’t feel good right now, to what could feel good if you let it.

The more you get to grasp each of these ideas, the easier it becomes to map your way from what you feel is a problem, to what you’d prefer instead. The technical term for this process is “daydreaming”.

How do I choose a deck?

Read the description of each deck and think about what you need most right now. Go for the deck that feels like the easiest place to reach within yourself.

How often should I use the cards?

Whenever you want. The more often you work with them, the faster these ideas will take root.

Am I supposed to see this drastic transformation in myself?

If you want to. Give it time though.

And how will I know it’s actually worked?

You feel better than you did before. Your thoughts feel nicer, and you have the energy to really apply yourself to new ideas and situations. 

Spoiler: You did all the work.

I have a deck. Now what?

It’s time to play. Pack away your expectations and get ready to learn more about how you’re really doing.

How to use them

Who made them?

A writer in Cape Town, South Africa.
